Certificate Verification

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Certificate Verification Instructions:

For Students:

  1. Locate the search bar provided for certificate verification.
  2. Enter your unique certificate number in the search bar.
  3. Review the information displayed on the verification page carefully.
  4. If you notice any incorrect or inaccurate information related to your certificate, please take immediate action.
  5. Contact our administration department promptly and provide them with your certificate number and the specific details that need correction.
  6. Our administration department will assist you in rectifying any errors or discrepancies as quickly as possible.

For Verifiers:

  1. Access the designated search bar for certificate verification.
  2. Enter the certificate number of the employee you wish to verify.
  3. Review the information displayed on the verification page thoroughly.
  4. If you encounter any unclear details or have any questions during the verification process, please do not hesitate to contact our administration department for assistance.
  5. Our team is available to support you with any inquiries related to certificate verification.

Note: It is essential for both students and verifiers to contact the administration department as soon as possible to ensure accurate information is reflected on the certificates.

If you have any issues or concerns regarding the certificate, please feel free to contact us using the following contact details:

Phone: +61 3 8373 4877 Email: certificate@syscare.com.au

We are here to assist you with any inquiries, incorrect information, or other concerns related to the certificate. Please reach out to us through the provided contact information, and our team will be happy to address your queries promptly.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
