Certified Cloud Security Engineer (C|CSE)

Course Overview

EC-Council’s Certified Cloud Security Engineer (C|CSE) program has been meticulously crafted by cloud security experts in collaboration with renowned subject matter specialists. This course provides a comprehensive blend of both vendor-neutral and vendor-specific cloud security concepts. The vendor-neutral components focus on essential cloud security practices, technologies, frameworks, and principles, ensuring a strong foundation in the field. Meanwhile, the vendor-specific materials offer hands-on training in configuring specific platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This balanced approach equips candidates with a solid theoretical understanding coupled with practical skills.

Moreover, the course delves into advanced topics, including modules on securing cloud infrastructure by implementing relevant regulations and standards to ensure robust security measures. Designed to align with the actual job roles and responsibilities of cloud security professionals, EC-Council’s cloud security course caters to individuals at all experience levels, making it suitable for beginners as well as seasoned cybersecurity experts.

Who Is It For Outline Requirements Exam

The incident handling skills taught in E|CIH are complementary to the job roles below as well as many other cybersecurity jobs:

  • Network Security : Administrator / Engineer / Analyst 
  • Cybersecurity : Engineer / Analyst
  • Cloud : Administrator / Analyst / Engineer
  • InfoSec professionals
  • CND Certified professionals
  • CND Certified professionals
  • OR any other role that involves network / cloud administration, management , and operations
  • Module 1: Introduction to Cloud Security
  • Module 2: Platform and Infrastructure Security in the Cloud
  • Module 3: Application Security in the Cloud
  • Module 4: Data Security in the Cloud
  • Module 5: Operation Security in the Cloud
  • Module 6: Penetration Testing in the Cloud
  • Module 7: Incident Detection and Response in the Cloud
  • Module 8: Forensics Investigation in the Cloud
  • Module 9: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery in the Cloud
  • Module 10 : Governance , Risk Management, and Compliance in the Cloud
  • Module 11 : Standards, Policies , and Legal Issues in the Cloud
  • Module 12 : Appendix (Self-Study): Private, Hybrid, and Multi-Tenant Cloud Security

Should have a working knowledge of network security management and basic understanding of cloud computing concept.


Number of Questions : 125
Test Duration : 4 Hours
Test Format: Multiple Choice
Test Delivery : EC-Council Exam Portal


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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
